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Are there mixing or serving tips for Multi+?Updated 2 months ago

Multi+ can be mixed into smoothies or juices like apple, orange, grape. Another customer reported having success mixing it in an actimel smoothie. Using a handheld milk frother is a great way to help dissolve the powder. We received this tip from a grandmother, she suggested sifting the powder into the liquid beverage to prevent any clumping.  Others have used it to make ice cube popsicles with a zero sugar sports drink.  You can also mix it into a small amount of liquid and serve it using an infant medical syringe. 

Here are some ideas for mixing your multivitamin powder:

  1. Smoothies: Add your multivitamin powder to your favorite smoothie recipe for an extra nutrient boost.
  2. Juice: Mix your multivitamin powder into a glass of fresh juice. Orange juice or apple juice are good options, but you can use any juice you like.
  3. Yogurt: Stir your multivitamin powder into a serving of yogurt for a quick and easy breakfast or snack.
  4. Water: If you don't like the taste of juice or smoothies, mix your multivitamin powder with plain water. You can add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice for flavor.
  5. Oatmeal: Mix your multivitamin powder into a bowl of oatmeal for a nutrient-packed breakfast.
  6. Salad dressing: Add your multivitamin powder to a homemade salad dressing for a nutritious boost.
  7. Baked goods: Mix your multivitamin powder into your favorite muffin or pancake recipe for a healthy twist on your favorite breakfast foods.
  8. Energy balls: Combine your multivitamin powder with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit to make energy balls that are packed with nutrients.
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